THIELMANN uses 100% renewable energy at Granada plant | THIELMANN

Written by THIELMANN | 23 March


No matter the industry, sustainability must be at the core of business practices. While governments spearhead policy, it is the responsibility of industry leaders to go above and beyond to establish themselves as trailblazers for sustainable practices. The private sector needs to scale up efforts and support actions to reduce emissions, build resiliency, and uphold and support cooperation across regional and international partnerships.

It’s with this in mind that THIELMANN is delighted to share official certification that all electricity provided to the Spain plant comes from 100% renewable sources. Using renewable energy sources, coupled with the finished product’s qualities of high durability, long-term reusability, and recyclability leads to the conclusion that sustainability and industry can go hand-in-hand. This certification of renewable energy fulfills several of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals including:

  • Goal 7: Affordable and Clean Energy
  • Goal 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
  • Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
  • Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production

By sourcing renewable energy, THIELMANN directly supports the proliferation of the renewable energy industry (Goal 7) and the expansion of sustainable infrastructure (Goal 9). On a regional level, using renewable energy sources means fewer harmful emissions and cleaner air, reducing one of the major negative health impacts on cities and communities and promoting sustainable growth (Goal 11). Finally, THIELMANN using renewable sources within a normally energy-intensive industry directly advances the requirements of Goal 12 in fostering responsible consumption and production in the private sector.

Renewables are key to thriving industry and a greener future. We’re delighted to have met these goals and to continue doing our part for greener industry and a greener world.

View the renewable energy certification here.